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 ... Returning to DP Provision form/... 

All dancers/families MUST complete the following form before returning to Dance Phaze provision, to confirm their understanding of new rules and requirements put in place with regards to COVID-19 and returning to our venues. Below we ask for information you may have already given Dance Phaze in the past – it is crucial you take the time to fill out this form with all relevant medical information and up to date contact details.

Please read through all the statements below… Parents with dancers under the age 18 are encouraged to read through them together please…


  • I/We agree to comply with any and all new rules, requirements and processes at Dance Phaze. Including but not limited to following actions whilst arriving, attending and leaving Dance Phaze provision…

    • Regular washing/sanitising hands before, during and after provision

    • Remaining socially distant at all times, regardless of current school/year/social/family bubbles. This way the requirement to be socially distant at Dance Phaze can be effectively enforced.

    • Listening to all instructions and requirements given by the DP Team and third parties (venues, event organisers etc)

    • Arrive ready and dressed for class, with all hair tied up and suitable footwear to be worn throughout the sessions. Please avoid lace up shoes if a dancer is not competent in tying.

    • To only bring limited and necessary belongings to all Dance Phaze Venues.

    • All dancers are required to bring enough drink for the duration of their session. Unfortunately, we are now not able to refill water bottles whilst on site.

    • Dancers are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitiser and are welcome to wear masks should they feel more comfortable.

    • In the event of injury/first aid the dancer will be required to wear a disposable face covering/visor provided by Dance Phaze if age appropriate. 

    • Please only bring food to DP provision if the length of the session requires it. No sharing of food. 

    • Parents will NOT be able to enter any DP venue. Should you need to speak to one of the Dance Phaze team, please call ahead to arrange a meeting or to have a discussion over the phone. 

    • When arriving at venue, Dancers and families are to ensure they are following all instructions/protocols for that said venue, including one way systems and arrangements for drop off and pick up. Dancers are to arrive on time. Please do not arrive early and ensure pick up is prompt, with no hovering in car park or venue grounds. 

    • Drop off and pick up is strictly limited to one adult per family for all Junior/Young Senior dancers. All adults are required to wear face coverings and remain socially distant at all times from each other and DP Staff regardless of social/family bubbles. 

    • Older Senior dancers will be released at staggered times from the venue to make their way home in the usual way. 

    • Any dancers over the age 16 will be required to scan a QR code upon arrival to DP provision. Please ensure you have the app downloaded and functioning before arriving. If dancers over the age 16 do not have a smart phone or access to this app, please make it known to the DP Team. The DP Team will continue to Track and Trace in the usual way also. 

    • Any dancers/parents found not following the above requirements will receive a warning in the first instance and will be politely asked to leave DP provision in a second instance.


  • I/We agree to comply with and understand our updated payment policy (from October 2020) at Dance Phaze...

    • All dance provision will now be invoiced on a monthly basis and will be required to be paid in advance. 

    • All class fees with be communicated via email and payment online via bank transfer will be required.

    • We will no longer be accepting cash payments or pay as you go payments due to COVID-19. 

    • Selected class fees may increase by 50p to cover additional/ongoing costs due to COVID-19 impact. This is will be evaluated as we move forward. 

    • If the changes to our payment policy will jeopardise any dancer attending Dance Phaze arrangements can be made in advance so please contact the Dance Phaze team via email.


  • I/We understand that dancers/families MUST now take more responsibility in keeping our Dance Phaze community safe and well with regards to the COVID-19 virus and government laws/guidance…

    • I/We understand that you should only attend Dance Phaze provision if you are feeling well enough to do so. This includes parents/guardians dropping off or collecting.

    • Anyone feeling unwell or showing symptoms of COVID-19 must not attend Dance Phaze provision. 


  • I/We understand that by arriving and attending Dance Phaze provision from October 2020, you are confirming the following statements each and every session/week…

    • I/We understand the current and developing symptoms of COVID-19.

    • I/We confirm that the dancer nor any household members, do not currently have, nor have experienced the symptoms associated with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.

    • I/We confirm that the dancer nor any household members, have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the past 30 days and have not knowingly been exposed to anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 with the past 30 days.

    • I/We confirm that the dancer nor any household members, have not returned from foreign travel or a localised lockdown location currently requiring a quarantine period on return. 

    • I/We understand that if the dancer or any household members do present COVID-19 symptoms, or are contacted by the Test and Trace service, you MUST inform Faye Cottrell (07771792446) as soon as possible, and isolate as advised by the UK government and professional medical services.

    • I/We understand if a dancer develops symptoms or begins to feel unwell during Dance Phaze provision, they will be isolated from the group and arrangements for pick up will be made accordingly. Please ensure that the emergency contact details are kept up to date at all times. 


Please tick to confirm... 

Thank you for completing your Return to DP Provision form - we look forward to seeing you soon! 

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