Introducing the Dance phaZe teaching Team...
The Dance Phaze Team endeavour to create a family atmosphere whilst remaining professional and inclusive at all times. Their enthusiasm is simply contagious and they really will do their upmost to ensure dancers of all ages and abilities feel comfortable and have the opportunity to shine their own individual ways...

Faye Cottrell - Company Director
As the company director, Faye has a wealth of teaching experience, both in and out of the education sector and also in local communities. Faye founded Dance Phaze back in 2009, with a want to engage local young people, inspire them to dance and to give opportunity for performance. Throughout the DP journey, Faye has directed and produced over 35 Theatre performances of various formats and scales alongside organising hundreds of performances at community events. Alongside her work at Dance Phaze, Faye works as the regional dance director for premier education here in Hampshire and is a committed member of NOCTURN; a contemporary dance company. Faye continues to strive to create and give the best possible performance opportunities to each of our dancers here at dance phaze and adores the yellow DP world with all her heart.
Katie Hawkins - Company Administrator
Katie has been involved with Dance Phaze since day one. Aged 14, Katie became so very committed
to Dance Phaze initially as a dancer and then progressing to become a coach for our junior dancers.
Katie can now be found supporting our Friday evening provision as well as working very hard behind the scenes with the day to day running of Dance Phaze. As we approach any show or performance,
Katie is the first person to volunteer her time and once again strives to make every opportunity happen
for the dancers and their families. During her time here at DP, Katie attended Winchester University
studying Childhood, Youth and Community studies and has continued her career to qualify as a teacher.
Now working at Wolverdene Special School, Katie has a huge passion for equal opportunities
and will support each and every dancer and their families here at Dance Phaze.

Hollie Parks - Dance Teacher / Choreographer
Starting her DP journey as a dancer, Hollie became extremely committed and fully dedicated to everything Dance Phaze. Throughout her teenage years, Hollie’s main passion in life was dance! And rightfully so, she was and still is a very talented dancer and performer, grabbing every opportunity that came her way. Hollie joined the DP Teaching Team first as a support coach and then as a coach teaching a wide range of styles from Contemporary to Cheer, from Street Dance to Musical Theatre. Hollie’s grown into a strong and versatile choreographer, creating absolute master pieces here at Dance Phaze. Dancers of all ages love to be taught by Hollie especially our Movement Momentum Company. Hollie is a selfless individual not only supporting our dancers here at DP at every opportunity, but she also works incredibly hard at the amazing Charity… Make-A-Wish Foundation UK. Hollie’s want to continuously grow and improve as a dancer, performer and coach makes her a true inspiration to everyone involved with Dance Phaze.
The DP Teaching Team...
Our DP Teaching Team support our dancers on weekly basis in class, at events performances in the community and during our performance show weekends. Having grown up through DP themselves, they really do prove themselves to be positive role models and support those dancers who need a little more encouragement or lack in self-confidence, very well. Again their enthusiasm and passion for dance truly is contagious. During performances, they double up as our energy crew, creating the excitement and hype that Dance Phaze are well known for!

Molly Charles
Emma Hawkins

Maisie Havard
Ellie Jones

Connie Cunningham
...The Extended DP Team
‘Once at Dance Phazer, always a Dance Phazer!’ Our extended DP Friends seen below have currently stepped down from supporting on a regular basis due to college, uni etc. However, that said they are the first to step up and support at DP events, either backstage or cheering loud in the audience... some provide choreography commissions for DP performances, providing familiar faces for our dancers.

Lilly Cowan

Sam Lane
Charity Smith

Isobel Frost
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To see what the DP Team and our dancers have been up to recently,
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